Selected publications
by William D. O’Neil
This is a list of most of my publicly available unclassified
publications. Not included are my very numerous classified publications or a number of unclassified publications which are for one
reason or another not available to the public.
- “Pearl Harbor in Context,” forthcoming in De Gruyter’s Open
Military Studies. Abstract.
- Review of Imperial
Japan and Defeat in the Second World War: The Collapse of an Empire, by Peter Wetzler, Michigan War Studies Review 2020-091.
- Review of Blind Bombing: How Microwave Radar Brought the
Allies to D-Day and Victory in World War II, by Norman M. Fine, Michigan War Studies Review 2020-068.
- Review of Imperial Military Transportation in British
Asia: Burma 1941–1942 by Michael
W. Charney, Michigan
War Studies Review 2020-028.
- Review of The Japanese and the War: Expectation,
Perception, and the Shaping of Memory by Michael Lucken, Michigan War Studies Review 2019-065.
- Review of Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, the
Great Recession, and the Uses—and Misuses—of History by Barry Eichengreen, Michigan War Studies Review 2018-054.
- Undefending Pearl Harbor: How America's Strongest
Bastion Became its Least Defended (Peter Publishing, 2016).
- Review
of The Schlieffen Plan:
International Perspectives on the German Strategy for World War I, by Ehlert, Epkenhans, &
Gross (eds.), British
Journal of Military History 2, No. 2
(Feb 2016) 198-201.
- The
Plan That Broke the World: The “Schlieffen Plan” and World War I
(CreateSpace Books/Kindle, Feb 2014).
- Home Generator Guide, 2013
(CreateSpace Books/Kindle, Dec 2012).
- The
Libyan Kill, revised edn.
(Amazon Kindle, Jul 2012).
- with Buford
Rowland and William B. Boyd, The U.S. Navy Bureau of
Ordnance in World War II (Edited and Expanded), 2nd ed. (Amazon
Kindle, 2012).
- “Cost Growth in Major Defense Acquisition: Is There
a Problem? Is There a Solution?” Defense Acquisition Research
Journal 18, No. 3 (Jul 2011): 277-93.
- “What
to Buy? The Role of Director of Defense Research and Engineering
(DDR&E): Lessons from the 1970s,” IDA Paper P-4675 (Alexandria,
Virginia: Institute for Defense Analyses, Jan 2011).
- “Blocking the Strait of Hormuz: Costs
and Difficulties,” International
Security 33, No. 3 (Winter 2008/9): 190-8.
- “Cyberspace
and Infrastructure,” Chapter 5 of Cyberpower and National Security, ed.
by Franklin D. Kramer, Stuart H. Starr, and Larry Wentz (Washington:
National Defense University Press and Potomac Books, 2009).
- “Mitchell, Billy,” American National Biography Online,
Feb. 2000, Revised Oct. 2007.
- “The
Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC): Transforming Naval Anti-air Warfare,”
Case Studies in National Security Transformation, Number 11 (National
Defense University), 2007.
- Review of
Tohmatsu, Haruo; Willmott, H. P., A
Gathering Darkness: The Coming of War to the Far East and the Pacific,
1921-1942, H-US-Japan, H-Net Reviews. March, 2005.
- “Transformation
and the Officer Corps: Analysis in the Historical Context of the U.S. and
Japan Between the World Wars,” CNA D0012589.A1, for Director of Net
Assessment, DoD, 2005.
- Articles on
aircraft design, fuel cells, missiles, radar, and shells and bombs in Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Technology,
ed. C. A. Hempstead and W. E. Worthington (Routledge, 2005).
- “If it Can’t Be Big, It Needs
to Be Novel” Proceedings,
U.S. Naval Institute (Dec 2003): 47-51.
(Technical and operational options for small naval vessels.)
- “Military
Transformation as a Competitive Systemic Process: The Case of Japan and
the United States Between the World Wars,” CNA D0008616.A1, for
Director of Net Assessment, DoD, 2003.
- “Interwar
U.S. and Japanese National Product and Defense Expenditure,” CNA
D0007249.A1, for Director of Net Assessment, DoD, 2003.
- “The
Naval Services,” in Transforming America’s Military,
ed. H. Binnendijk (NDU Press, 2002).
- “Transformation,
Billy Mitchell Style” Proceedings,
U.S. Naval Institute (Mar 2002): 100-4.
- “Oil
as a Strategic Factor: The supply of oil in the first half of the 21st
century, and its strategic implications for the U.S.,” CNA
D0004604.A21, 2001.
- “Revolutionary prospects: Will
there be a ‘Revolution in Military Affairs’ (RMA)? Should there be? What
truly is needed?” CNA, 2001.
- “Innovating
for 21st Century Naval Operations,” (conference paper, 1997).
- “Takeoff
and Landing Issues for a Common Tactical Aircraft Program,” (point
paper, 6 Feb 1994).
- “Notes
on Landing and Takeoff Issues for a Tri-Service Strike Fighter,”
(background calculations, 6 Feb 1994).
- “Don’t Give Up On
the Ship,” Proceedings,
U.S. Naval Institute, (Jan 1991): 46-51.
- “Winning the ASW
Technology Race,” Proceedings,
U.S. Naval Institute, (Oct 1988): 86-91.
- “Technology
and Maritime Forces,” in Defense Technology,
ed. A. A. Clark & J. F. Lilley (Praeger, 1987).
- “The Godwin
‘Follies’: Any Real News?” Defense
News, Oct 12, 1987. (Problems in acquisition management.)
- “Journey to a Far
Sea,” Proceedings,
U.S. Naval Institute, (Feb 1982): 93-96.
- “Technology and Naval War,”
(Washington: Department of Defense, 1981).
- “Naval Antiair Warfare,” National Defense (Feb
- “Naval
Ship Technology in the 80s and 90s,” (conference paper, 1981).
- The Libyan Kill, a
novel (W.W. Norton & Co., 1981).
- Review:
Patrick Beesly, Very
Special Intelligence: The Story of the Admiralty’s Operational Intelligence Centre,
1939-1945, Proceedings,
U.S. Naval Institute, (Feb 1978): 91-92.
- “Land-Based
Aircraft Options for Naval Missions,” SAE Conference paper, 1977.
- “Advanced Naval
Vehicles: Who Needs Them?” Marine
Technology (Oct 1977): 387-90.
- “Backfire:
Long Shadow on the Sea-Lanes,” Proceedings,
U.S. Naval Institute, (Mar 1977): 26-35.
- “Gun
Systems for Air Defense” Proceedings,
U.S. Naval Institute, (Mar 1971): 45-55.
- with J. R.
Holdsworth, “On
the Adjustment of Indirect Fires By Use of Quasilinearization”
(Conference paper, 1969).
Please inquire if you
have need of a copy of one of the publications which are not hyperlinked, or if
you have difficulty with any of the links.
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